ACE calculator
ACEpotentials is an atomic cluster expansion (ACE)-based linear MLIP.
Below are the instructions on how to initialize the ACEpotentials calculator, to run dynamics simulations within NQCDynamics.jl using ASE interface.
The following instructions will include Julia-based code.
We start with importing NQCDynamics.jl packages and PyCall which allows importing Python-based packages.
using NQCDynamics
using PyCall
using NQCModels
# Importing Python modules with PyCall
io = pyimport("")
pyjulip = pyimport("pyjulip")
Now, we specify the cutoff distance, paths to the model, and Atoms objects. Then we read the ASE atoms object and we convert it to NQCDynamics object.
pes_model_path = "path/to/ace/model/h2cu_ace.json"
atoms_path = "path/to/"
ase_atoms =
atoms, positions, cell = NQCDynamics.convert_from_ase_atoms(ase_atoms)
We then set up our ACEpotentials calculator and create NQCModels AdiabaticASEModel object that includes the model.
calculator = pyjulip.ACE1(pes_model_path)
pes_model = AdiabaticASEModel(ase_atoms)
The model can be loaded also directly within julia:
using ASE
using JuLIP
using ACE1
IP = ACE1.read_dict(load_dict(model_path)["IP"])
JuLIP.set_calculator!(ase_atoms, IP)
pes_model = AdiabaticModels.JuLIPModel(ase_atoms)
Finally, we can use the model to e.g. initialize Simulation object that is employed to run MD simulations.
sim = Simulation{Classical}(atoms, pes_model, cell=cell)
R. Drautz, Atomic cluster expansion for accurate and transferable interatomic potentials, Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter. 99, 014104, 2019 G. Dusson, M. Bachmayr, G. Csanyi, S. Etter, C. van der Oord, and C. Ortner, ACEpotentials.jl: A Julia implementation of the atomic cluster expansion, J. Chem. Phys. 159, 164101, 2023